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If you avoid women and who support gay marriage you’re avoiding nearly all women in The Anglosphere, the only women I meet opposed to gay marriage are traditional christian women an there arn’t to many of them left.

May 19, 2018 · News about same-sex marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships. Commentary and archival information about same-sex marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships from The New York Times.

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Find a wealth of resources and information on marriage across the U.S. and around the globe.

Gay clergy and same-sex marriage may be allowed at United Methodist Churches thanks to a proposal drafted by the Connectional Table, a respected international body of clergy members and lay people in the church. On Tuesday, the committee affirmed the proposal to remove church legislation that

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Australian Marriage Equality (AME) is an advocacy group driven by volunteers who have come together to pursue the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia. AME partners with a diverse range of organisations and supporters across the country to end the exclusion of same-sex LGBTIQ couples from marriage in Australia.

Just don’t call it a plebiscite Australia’s controversial gay marriage vote gets under way. To solve a row within his party, the prime minister creates a national furore

May 21, 2018 · News for Gay/Lesbian continually updated from thousands of sources on the web : The Grand Resort is Fort Lauderdale’s premier gay …

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Sometime in the 1990s, a critical mass of the American cognitive elite – that part of it which controls the bullhorns, anyway – must have decided that gay marriage was great. Now those people are usually well-spoken and articulate, with very high verbal IQs, while their opponents… tend to

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Just don’t call it a plebiscite Australia’s controversial gay marriage vote gets under way. To solve a row within his party, the prime minister creates a national furore

Proposition 8; Eliminates Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment